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How Eating Habits Affect Orthodontic Treatment


Wearing braces can leave you with the glowing smile that you desire. However, while you are receiving orthodontic treatment with braces, you must avoid eating certain foods that can cause your braces and dental appliances to become loose and even break. Learn what foods to avoid while wearing braces to ensure your dental treatment at South Meadows Dental & Orthodontics goes smoothly.

Why are Eating Habits Important with Braces?

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, maintaining healthy eating habits is crucial for ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of your braces. Your diet plays a significant role in the condition of your braces and the duration of your treatment. 

What Types of Foods to Avoid

Many different foods can affect your braces: hard foods, sticky foods, those high in sugar content, and carbonated drinks. These all have the potential to damage your braces by bending wires, loosening dental glue, or breaking brackets and tubes. It’s essential to steer clear of these problematic foods to safeguard your braces and ensure your treatment progresses.

Hard Foods

Hard foods present a considerable risk to your braces, as they can bend wires and damage brackets. Avoid chewing on ice cubes or bones, and opt for safer alternatives such as cutting carrots into thin curls or slicing apples into wedges. Foods like French bread and pizza crust should be consumed cautiously, ensuring they’re cut into small, manageable bites.

Sticky Foods 

Sticky foods pose a different challenge, as they can pull on wires and loosen dental seals. Say goodbye to chewy candies like taffy, Sugar Daddies, caramels, and any gummy treats. These sticky foods may be tempting, but the potential damage they can inflict on your braces isn’t worth the risk.

High Sugar Foods

Foods high in sugar are detrimental to dental health and can also compromise orthodontic treatment. You should limit your consumption of sugary treats, especially between meals. Remember to brush your teeth thoroughly after indulging in sweet foods to mitigate the risk of decay and maintain optimal oral hygiene.

Soda Pop

Carbonated drinks typically contain a high acid content that can erode enamel and weaken braces. It’s best to eliminate these beverages from your diet to preserve your braces and overall dental health.

Large Pieces of Food

Another crucial tip is to avoid biting through foods with your front teeth, as this can loosen front brackets. Instead, cut food into manageable pieces or use alternative chewing methods to protect your braces.

Contact Us

Steering clear of hard, sticky, sugary foods and carbonated drinks can protect your braces and pave the way for a healthy, radiant smile. If you ever experience a loose, broken, or sharp appliance, don’t hesitate to contact us at South Meadows Dental & Orthodontics in Reno, Nevada, by filling out our online contact form or calling us at (775)413-2976 for guidance or to schedule an appointment. Immediate attention to such issues can prevent further damage and ensure the progress of your treatment plan.

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